Q. What Happens on the First Visit?


A complete chiropractic examination that includes recording a case history, reviewing veterinarian information (i.e. tests, imaging), posture and gait analysis, static palpation of the spine and extremities, motion palpation and checking for any differences in temperature from swelling over the spine.

If, based on the exam results, your animal can benefit from chiropractic care, we discuss both short- and long-term care; diet; and supplement options. Our goal of chiropractic adjustment and nutritional options are to:

  • Restore proper motion to the affected joint
  • Stimulate neurological reflexes
  • Decrease pain and muscle spasm in the area of the subluxated joint.
  • Provide the necessary daily supplements
  • Promote a healthy coat
  • Improve your pet or animal’s overall well being

Q. What Type of Animals can Receive Chiropractic Care?


Practically any animal with a spine can receive care. The most common programs at Tranberg Animal Chiropractic & Health Services are horse, dog and cat. However, other farm animals, exotic pets and even zoo animals are likely recipients for chiropractic care.

Q. When is Animal Chiropractic Appropriate?


If your pet or animal develops any of the following symptoms or visible signs, you should first contact your veterinarian for an examination and consider chiropractic as a treatment option.

  • Back, leg, neck or tail pain
  • Noticeable differences in walking or sitting as a result of a slip, fall or blunt trauma or accident
  • Performance or range of movement problems
  • Obvious changes in behavior or personality
  • Holding his tail down or off to one side
  • Change in posture such as hanging her head or sitting off to one side
  • Shaking, crying or sudden shyness
  • Difficulty chewing

Q. What Types of Physical Afflictions can Chiropractic Care Improve?


Typically, pets and animals that are subjected to daily training for events or just a daily exercise routine could benefit from chiropractic adjustments to maintain skeletal alignment and muscle flexibility.

Common warning signs are:

  • Head tilt
  • Difficultly or problems with sitting, laying down and getting up
  • Uneven pelvis or hips
  • Difficulty going up or down the stairs
  • Neck pain from collar or choke chain pulls
  • Disc problems
  • Jumping problems or shortening of stride
  • Apprehension to perform common skills
  • Uneven top line, hunching or dipping

Q. Should My Veterinarian be Included in the Decision to Get Chiropractic Care?


Your veterinarian always needs to be consulted first before your pets and animals receive any other care. This way we can establish a good working relationship so your pets and animals obtain the best care possible. Initially two to three adjustments will be performed, your pet will be monitored for changes to see measurable improvement. Then based on the scope of the condition further adjustments can be scheduled.

Q. Will Chiropractic Adjustment Hurt My Pet?


Chiropractors remove subluxations by gently adjusting the misaligned area into alignment. In most cases, this renews proper skeletal movement, muscle and nerve function. At Tranberg Animal Chiropractic, animal adjustments are low force and always gentle (for medium to small-sized animals, the equivalent of an adjustment for a human infant). You will find that your pet will noticeably enjoy their adjustment. It is quite common for an animal to become increasingly relaxed as the treatment progresses even to the point of becoming drowsy.

Q. What's the Difference Between a Human Chiropractor and an Animal Chiropractor?


At Tranberg Animal Chiropractic, we highly recommend you seek out chiropractic care from a human chiropractor or veterinarian who has been trained and licensed through the IVCA and/or AVCA. Although some may mean well, they could hurt your animal out of ignorance (you need special training and certifications in order to work with animals).

Q. Where can I find more Information on an Animal Chiropractor in My Area?


Start with the AVCA. After locating a local AVCA-certified professional, make sure that you feel comfortable with his or her philosophy and experience level before seeking care. Word of mouth referral is still one of the best sources for finding good care. And if you find you're not satisfied with word of mouth referrals – don't be shy – call and ask for a list of references.

Q. How Often Should My Pets Receive Care?


The frequency of care depends on each individual animal's need. Typically, four to five adjustments will be necessary, but be assured a care program will be established after the first visit. Animals recover very rapidly as a rule, but older animals and more serious problems take more time. Age and physical condition, extent of damage, duration of the problem, and owner cooperation are all factors in 'get well' time. The key is taking the first step and making the first appointment: it may make the difference between illness and health.

Q. Is it Necessary to X-ray Pets and Animals?


An x-ray, in general, is not required unless a known injury or accident has occurred and special arrangements are made prior to the first visit.

Q. What are Some of the Common Diagnoses that may be Helped Through Animal Chiropractic?


Arthritis and Hip Dysplasia

These commonly occurring conditions respond well to chiropractic care. Any time there is a loss of flexibility in any part of the skeletal structure; the remaining body components are subjected to stress as the animal shifts its balance to compensate. Signs of this are over-muscled fronts and stiff necks, usually developed by animals with longstanding clinical hip dysplasia, arthritis, and rear-end weaknesses. Chiropractic care for these animals improves their flexibility and reduces pain.

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVD)

Chiropractic care can offer an alternative to the drugs and surgery now routinely prescribed for IVD. Acute disc problems are one of the few chiropractic emergencies. We suggest pet owners who seek this type of care find help immediately after the problem is diagnosed. Chiropractic care for IVD is aimed at relieving disc pressure on the spinal cord, reducing pain, and restoring spinal flexibility.

Wobbler Syndrome

Wobbler syndrome is caused by a narrowing or malformation of the spinal cervical (neck) vertebrae. This causes pressure on the spinal cord near the lower cervical (neck) vertebrae due to either a malformation of the vertebrae or a malocclusion (when the vertebrae do not fit together properly). Spinal cord compression injures the portion of the spinal cord necessary for an animal to stand and move normally. Chiropractic care relieves the disc pressure along the neck and soothes the associated pain. While the cause of Wobbler syndrome is unknown, more studies are suggesting both genetics and nutrition may play a role.

Q. Do You Still have a Question (or two)?


If you did not see the question/answer you were looking for, please ask us directly by sending us an e-mail, simply click here.